A Radar for the Internet

This page provides supplementary material for the paper entitled A Radar for the Internet, by Matthieu Latapy, Clémence Magnien and Frédéric Ouedraogo.

Contact author: Matthieu.Latapy@lip6.fr

In case the links below are not working, a mirror of this page is available at: http://www-rp.lip6.fr/~latapy/Radar/

Disclaimer. The programs and data available here are provided as is with no guarantee of any kind. They may cause significant network or system troubles if they are not used carefully. Please read the documentation and the code. The programs were written for use under Linux but may be ported easily to any platform. They have been tested intensively during months continuously on hundreds of machines (see the data below), without any problem. However, they were designed for research purpose only and should not be considered as reliable, user-friendly tools.


Data sets (see README, the list of monitors, and the lists of destinations):

Contact: Matthieu Latapy